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Why No One is Linking to You - Search Engine Watch (SEW)

Why No One is Linking to You - Search Engine Watch (SEW)

By Jennifer Van Iderstyne, Search Engine Watch,

But hey, miracles can happen right? Sure! With creativity, planning, thought, time...oh wait, no, that's not a miracle, that's called doing the work.

You need linkable content -- content that is useful, interesting, or even exciting to attract links. It also means being part of your community and contributing something unique to your niche.

Getting noticed online is like trying to be spotted in a giant crowd. Without a megaphone, a flare gun, or a small explosion it can be a challenge to get people's attention. Even when you do, it can be hard to keep it because most attention spans are so tragically truncated.

Having a well-functioning website is a pillar of SEO in general; search engines and users alike prefer an accessible site. Cleaning up code, reducing load times, and doing away with obstructions and broken links are a great way to keep people happily on your site instead of cursing your name.

Try to look at your site as a perspective linker might, is there great content? Are you putting yourself out there to be found? Is the site attractive and easy to use? Are you approaching your topic in a way that can appeal to more than just a die-hard demographic?

If you can say "yes" honestly, just remember that building links takes time and comes with dry spells. Then, take a deep breath, pour another cup of coffee, and get back to it.

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